Leading an organization has qualities not unlike raising kids: long feedback loops, the power of example (and the comparatively low importance of demanding), and the mirror-like reflection of your deficiencies. And that is no coincidence: you are guiding people. You want them to do the right thing but also you want them to do it on their own terms. This requires balancing freedom and structure. It requires leadership and management. Both hemispheres of the brain. Hence the name of this blog.

The contents of this blog are rooted in my own work experiences as a CEO and as a peer advisor to founders and CEOs - I only write about things that had or have practical relevance to me and that I know can be applied.

I hope my thoughts are helpful or at least inspiring to you and I’m curious what you think - regardless of your current role. Do you agree? Disagree? Have you had similar experiences? Or do you wonder whether certain aspects are applicable to your organization or responsibility? Leave me a comment and I’ll reply to it as soon as I can.


If you would like to know more about my work with founders, please get in touch with me here